Indian traditions provide panacea for Cyber syndromes, but the Brand Identity of Indian Traditions needs to Cross over

by Team Conscious Carma

By Sagar Chandola
With mental health being a major topic for exploration, especially due to the overdose of cyber cues and related side-effects coming forth, traditional practices are something worth exploring for a literal reboot to more healthier times, both mentally and physically. However, in order to ensure a connect with these traditional practices, Indian traditions too need to crossover and stay relevant.

As a brand crossover expert I am often approached by Brands entrenched in their identity whose foundation was laid by their founders. In some cases these brands were found in the pre-Indian independence era. There are various Indian brands which are following the traditional Indian practices, way healthier than the modern day techniques.  However, they are not marketed well, the lack of awareness is where these brands majorly fail

Each one of us has the right to evaluate what traditions are worth a copy-paste, edit or to be sent to the recycle bin. However closer scrutiny will reveal the scientific temperament behind many of the traditional Indian practices. Given below are few examples of the worthiness of our tradition.

1.Cooking in earthenware: This has so many health benefits. It makes the food alkaline, retains all nutrients, distributes heats evenly. This could be promoted as a lifestyle product for those seeking to improve their intake of micronutrients, which holistically improves your energy levels and provides solutions to lethargy. Cures for being seeked regularly by the Millennial Man.

2.Ear piercing: Pirates believed that wearing hoops in their ears would improve their eyesight and allow for better navigation skills. However even as per Indian traditions it leads to better Brain development and Reproductive health. Solutions are consistently being seeked by the current couch potato generation for these health concerns and traditional practices provide literally beautiful solutions for this.

3.Sit down and eat your meal & drink your water: Standing redirects the blood flow towards your extremities instead of your digestive system. Have at least one meal sitting on the floor and solve your digestion, insulin release to even posture problems

4.Getting up early in the morning and making Rangoli with rice: Although this might seem like an innocuous activity, but it has great meaning and reverence. The Rangoli was not only eaten by the ants and a great way to connect with nature – Mata Pruthvi Putroha Prutithvya(earth is my mother and I am her child), but also signified that you were alive and kicking inside. Safety is a major concern for this generation and what better than to allow mother nature to be your watchman.

It is said that your Future is the Past Replayed. This holds true for many Indian Traditions too.
So go ahead and embrace your traditions, you never know if they could be your ‘powerpoint’ to a teleported transformation.

Sagar Chandola is a renowned Brand Crossover Expert  with two decades of experience in advocating #healthcarethatworks initiatives with a focus on PublicPrivatePartnership and facilitating unlocking of value via non traditional mediums such as metaverse and neuromarketing

Initiatives include the likes of Neurocomputing lab in IIT Delhi setup in collaboration with MIT USA and Porvoo transition care – An Indo European wellness center, India’s 1st Transition care center Besides being the first person from India to be inducted into the IEEE P1828 board, dedicated to laying the foundation of the 3D internet with a focus on mapping industry requirements

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